Saturday, June 27, 2015

Another Victory for Satan!

Okay, everyone's probably heard that gay/lesbian marriage is now legal in all 50 states. So much hoopla,  and all for what? All because people want to be treated equally? Truly bizarre, isn' it? And of course, now we need to be concerned that the "sanctity of marriage" is in grave danger. What I mean is, prepare yourself to see thousands and thousands of Christian husbands and wives lining up in divorce court(try to block out the fact that Christians had the highest divorce rate before this latest decision).

Yes, it's true, a percentage of my fellow male Americans are evidently secretly scared that certain male anatomy is really scrumptious after all.

This proves my hypothesis: Satan is GAY!


Alice said...

It's funny, Jesus never said ANYTHING about homosexuality, but clearly said divorce was not OK.

boomSLANG said...

"but clearly said divorce was not OK."

Maybe Jesus was trying to kill two birds with one stone. Yes, if Christian hubby "X" secretly prefers male "junk", the prohibition on divorcing his wife is Jesus' way of keeping him "straight". Yes, because we both know that no Christian would fool around outside of ANY marriage that God has blessed.......::gag::(no pun)
