Sunday, September 20, 2015

Objective Right and Wrong

Okay, today's recap brought to you by Christian FB users who, a) erroneously think that Adolf Hitler was an atheist, but more to the point, b) erroneously conclude that since atheists cannot account for an objective "right" and "wrong", that therefore theism accounts for it by default. False/false.

First things, first, Adolph Hitler was a practicing Catholic, a guy who, on numerous occasions, spoke of doing God's will by the elimination of an entire group of people('should sound familiar). He even wore a belt buckle that said "Gott Mit Uns", which translates to "God with Us". He has been photographed in church proceedings. Atheists don't hang out in church.

Secondly, and more importantly, even if Hitler was an atheist, those theists who are moral objectivists would be wrong if/when they assert that an objective "right" and "wrong" can be found in theism.

To recap, either God adheres to an external moral standard, or he makes his own and/or he is that standard(i.e.."Divine Command Theory"). Both cannot be true.

If the former, we see the problem right away. If the latter, the astute among us see the problem right away, as well.

Let's start from the top:

In Christian theism, "sin" is relative to what biblegod deems "sinful", aka,"wrong".

Did you catch that? There's that one pesky but very important word, "relative".

If the concept of "right" and "wrong" is relative to what "God" commands, then "right" and "wrong" isn't objective at all; it's arbitrary, and thus, subjective. For example, if "God" arbitrarily decided that we should all kill our second born children and that it would be a "sin" to disobey him, surely we all agree that we're going "sin" and disobey the command. Anyone who would obey said command for fear of "sinning", please do speak right up. We want to hear from you. At least, I do.

Now, if one argues that "God" would never, ever command such a heinous, immoral act, then they must also offer what it is that would (presumably) prevent him("God") from commanding it. Let's wait it out.

UPDATE: The individual(theist) who posted the "Hitler" meme has informed me that he posted that meme as an example of what NOT to use on atheists, albeit, that explanation did not accompany the meme, itself. It was explained in the comments, which is a somewhat long thread. I nonetheless stand by what I've laid out regarding theism and its moral objectivists. I contend that there is no objective morality to be found in the body of Christ, or any other type of theism. 


Robert said...

There CAN'T be any "objective morality" found in god/christ (or any other god/scripture) ... at any moment they (god/christ) can change the definition of "morality" - as has been demonstrated in the bible itself - on a whim at any time it pleases them for whatever purpose that they deem relevant.

boomSLANG said...

Agreed. It's feasible that in one chapter of the bible you can find that X is deemed immoral(aka a "sin"), and a few chapters later you might find that X is permissible. To confound matters, you might even find the supposed Moral-Giver doing Y, while commanding you and me not to do Y. Again, it's arbitrary and it boils down to an appeal to authority.

As atheists, we are told that we're not able to make moral judgments. Yes, according to some people, we have no grounds to say that "Hitler" was being immoral when he slaughtered Jews. Not only not true, but ironically, it's theists - namely, Christians - who are the ones who can't make moral judgments. At best, they are following orders from an individual whose conception of "moral" is based on this individual's opinion, which is based on nothing at all.

Morality that can change on a whim? Objective? Please.

boomSLANG said...
