Thursday, July 17, 2014

Supernaturalist Translator

  • "God wants [X]!" = I want [X]!
  • "God doesn't want [X]!" = I don't want [X]! 
  • "I'll be praying for you!" = I'll keep my fingers crossed!
  • "My soul [.....]" = My personality [.....]
  • "God works in mysterious ways!" = I know it doesn't make sense, but I believe it anyway!
  • "God has a better plan for him/her!" = Death is bad. There must be a good reason that he/she died! 
  • "They're in a better place!" = I know your loved one was ripped away from you, but this is really all I got. 'Sorry!
  • "I know in my heart!" = I don't know, but I'm going to pretend that I do!
  • "God bless America!" = North America rules, I'm a patriot, and everyone else can buzz off! 
  • "Spirit" = some thingamabob that I can't define or explain, except in terms of the negative
  • "Energy can't be destroyed!" = Co opting from science makes me sound more legit'!
  • "Atheism takes faith, too"! = If evidence for my beliefs is flimsy, so is yours! Neener, neener!
  •  "Just believe!" = If you hear anything that opposes your beliefs, just stick your fingers in your ears like I do! 
  • "Praise the Lord!" = Join me in my delusions! 
  •  "God is Love!" = Love is love! 
  • "Turn back before it's too late!" = I know I can't prove my beliefs, so I'm going to scare you into believing!
  • "Militant Atheist" = any person who claims to not believe in God
  • "You worship science!" = Everybody worships something, so if not God, then science!
  •  "You just want to argue!" = I keep giving you my thoughts. How dare you keep responding and not agree!
  • "You seem satisfied with your position" = You're as confident as I am, maybe even more so, and I just don't like that!
  • "God is my co-pilot!" = I need my life micro-managed at all times. Being soley responsible for my own life is just too scary!


Robert said...

Nice list and fairly accurate although I kind of take exception (marginally and subjectively) with one:

"God has a better plan for him/her!" = Death is bad. There must be a good reason that he/she died!

"God has a better plan for him/her!" = I can't go through life thinking death is a random inevitability so I need to create a warm and fuzzy resolution to something I fear most

Just saying - but that's me ;)

boomSLANG said...

Yup. That works, too.

boomSLANG said...

I guess the point I was trying to make with that one was that religion forces you to look for "good" reasons why really bad things happen. To accomplish this, theists are forced to create a "bullet proof" God. E.g..if God allows horrible things to happen, it was for a higher reason that we cannot understand, whereas, from a humanistic POV, we know that "sh*t happens".

Robert said...

Yeah, I see that ... and I kind of knew that.

I find it curious that if god has all these "higher reasons" that are beyond the comprehension of humans, how is it that he can screw up the delivery of his message so royally? But I guess since we can't understand his dumbed version and we (as humans on the whole) have splintered into hundreds of interpretations - either we have totally overestimated his capability or he has WAY underestimated our capability ... assuming he even exists ... which we know he/she/it/they do not :)

boomSLANG said...

"how is it that he can screw up the delivery of his message so royally?"

Idk. Because there's a higher reason? Oops!..sorry lol

Robert said...

idk ... [edited for brevity] - bS

Ah HAH!!! See?!? You can't answer ... therefore ... :P

boomSLANG said...

You got me. Praise Quetzalcoatl, 'got all muddy.